Getting Together For Some Halloween Fun

Today was a lot of fun. I got the option to come into work dressed up and decided to be Link from the Legend Of Zelda. My wife and son were able to join us for lunch. My wife was dressed as Zelda and my son as Blippi. Lunch was soup, a great meal for the recent cold weather.

Everyone got the chance to use Sharpies to decorate small pumpkins but Dave decided that only using Sharpies limited his creativity. Dave took his pumpkin out back and painted his pumpkin blue. A fun choice, but ultimately Rob’s pumpkin with the angry face was chosen as best. I made the announcement and gave him the prize, a gift card to Starbucks.
The camaraderie in the break room is a welcome break from the ins and outs of the regular work day. Can’t wait until our next company lunch.