Pipe Repair Installation Solutions
HydraTech offers full-service installation solutions for our HydraTech products. Whether you are looking for a complete turnkey solution or just technical assistance in installing your HydraTech product of choice, it is our goal to make your repair job easier and more effective.
The team at HydraTech is capable of assisting in all steps of the installation process, providing help and guidance when you need it most. Although our HydraTech products can be self-installed, if you are seeking further assistance with the installation of our pipe repair products, HydraTech has you covered.
The expert team at HydraTech is ready to provide solutions and help through the steps of the HydraTech product installation process:
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Turnkey Installation
HydraTech product specialists can provide turnkey installation services that include inspecting the project site, identifying necessary repair solutions and installing the HydraTech pipe repair product(s) needed to make your pipe function properly.
Our turnkey installation solutions help to save your personnel time and ensure proper installation of HydraTech products.
Technical Assistance
If you prefer to serve as General Contractor when identifying the needs of your trenchless pipe repair, HydraTech can still provide technical assistance. We will send an experienced project manager to your project site, who will be able to offer technical assistance to you and your staff throughout the duration of the installation.
Technical Training
HydraTech products can each be installed by the owner, so if you prefer to install the purchased HydraTech product yourself, we will provide you with technical training. The technical training that we offer will make the installation go more quickly, ensure proper installation takes place, and lower the overall difficulty of the pipe repair job.
Contact Us Today To Learn More About Our Products
Contact Us Today To Learn More About Our Products
HydraTech Product Installation
HydraTech can provide all the services necessary to install your HydraTech product. After you choose your product, our experienced and knowledgeable project manager can serve as General Contractor to locate, contract with, coordinate and oversee qualified professionals in your area to complete your repair correctly, on time, and within budget.
HydraTech can install the following repair products. To learn more about each product click on the product name below.

HydraTite® is an internal joint sealing system that offers customized mechanical remediation without expensive excavation.
Our internal pipe joint seals are a proven solution for pipe joint repairs, pressure pipe repairs, and joint infiltration in drinking water, storm drain sewers, gas pipelines, storage pipelines, distribution pipelines, and power generation pipelines.

The HydraWrap® Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) System provides a nonmetallic chemical and corrosion resistant structural repair to degraded pipes (both thin-wall and through-wall)which will stop leaks. Since it can be installed with common tools in less than 30 minutes, HydraWrap® can prevent costly unplanned shutdowns. The HydraWrap® System is available in various pipe repair kits to address defects and/or leaks in various sizes of pipe. HydraWrap can also function as a structural repair for things beyond piping as well. This accompanying picture shows a project in which it was applied to a hydraulic jump’s inner concrete wall.

Marine HydraWrap
Marine HydraWrap® is an FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) repair system engineered to restore or enhance the structural integrity of pipe and infrastructure. With this system, you can avoid offshore downtime. Now available in a convenient kit form, this rapid repair system is the only FRP repair system that is ABS Design approved. Marine HydraWrap® provides a rapid, chemical corrosion-resistant structural repair with no hot work required.

HydraLine is a range of epoxy-based products that offer versatility for a variety of applications. With an emphasis on chemical and corrosion resistance, HydraLine products have proven effective as primers, fillers, FRP binders, and chemical and corrosion resistant coatings.