Rehabilitating Defective Joints In An Elliptical Pipe
HydraTite® (Internal Joint Seal System)
Storm Water
The planning stages of the expansion of a midwestern county airport revealed that existing stormwater drainage piping had to be rehabilitated before construction to extend airport runways and tarmacs could begin. Defective joints in elliptical pipe raised concern with the future stability of subsurface construction and the accessibility and depth of the drainage piping limited repair options.
Engineered Solution
The consulting engineering firm, specified using HydraTite® Internal Pipe Joint seals to repair the defective joints in several 68” x 108” elliptical RCP.
The HydraTite seals provided a watertight seal on each side of the joint, preventing infiltration and loss of the supporting earth (soil). The HydraTite® seal’s flexibility allows it to be transported without the use of heavy machinery or for the need of a large staging area.
Due to the terrain and change in elevation, the HydraTite® seals provided an economical repair method without the need to dig up the existing lines. The HydraTite® Internal Pipe Joint Seals also are designed to accommodate the elliptical profile, ensuring that a watertight repair is achieved.

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