Bringing New Life To Aging Twin Culverts
HydraTite® (Internal Joint Seal System)
A twin 66” reinforced concrete pipe, functioning as a culvert below a roadway had degraded with age and the joints were experiencing separation and several had become offset. A repair was required to prevent the formation of leaks and sinkholes under the roadway.
Engineered Solution
A solution was needed that would not hinder the above traffic. The engineer selected HydraTite Internal Pipe Joint Seals as the trenchless solution for the joints of concern as HydraTite is a mechanical, long-term solution.
The culvert’s invert was cleaned out so that the loose debris would not interfere with HydraTech’s seal installation. HydraTech completed minimal concrete resurfacing near the joints to ensure a smooth surface for HydraTite’s proper installation. Then 14 seals were installed in each side of the twin culvert, 26 standard-wide and 2 extra-wide seals in total. The joint preparation and HydraTite installation were completed with just under 16 hours on-site and did not affect the traveling public.
The HydraTite Internal Pipe Joint Seal proved an economical and practical way to prevent infiltration and exfiltration. This repair brought new life to the culvert and will help protect the traveling public from the eventual formation of sinkholes.

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