A sanitary treatment facility discovered a leak in their influent conduit. They decided a three-sided HydraTite seal was the best rehabilitation solution. They felt confident that their personnel could install the seal if they had a representative from our company. I was that representative.
Once I arrived they began dewatering. While that process was underway, I started to explain the installation process to their technicians. We constructed one of the retaining bands to help them visually learn how it should look when put together properly. They also led me to the room the pipe ran through and pointed out evidence of the leak, water damage around the compromised joint.

As soon as the water was taken care of, we climbed into the conduit. Calcium build-up had to be scrapped away next. Then I began to give specifics. After double-checking the plans, I explained how and where to drill the holes for the anchors. Their technicians took in every word and precisely measured out the spots for the anchors with a string and level. After I ensured they understood the process, I left the installation in their hands. By the time this goes on the website, the installation will have been completed.