Over the last few days, we have been installing seals in this 42” stormwater pipe for the DOT. Once we start installing the seals it has been a fairly smooth process taking around 10-15 minutes per seal, but preparing each of the joints for installation has been taking up the most time. There is a fair amount of rocks along the invert of this culvert that need to be removed before installation and restrict our movement through the pipe. The active flow also adds to the difficulty of this project. In many instances, we are installing over a failing liner that has portions that have fallen away. This requires that we fill voids with ProStik, a butyl rubber sealant, to create a proper surface to install the HydraTite seal over.

Despite all of that, we have made good progress so far and expect to complete the project in about a week. So we will have sealed over 60 joints in about two weeks, preventing infiltration for a lifetime.