We Will Be Headed Home Soon
David Dubois, 3/30/2023
We Will Be Headed Home Soon

Two of the three culverts have been completed. We are working in the last four by six-foot culvert to install the remaining 23 seals. This leg of the project is much the like previous one, but I miss the mobility of the taller culvert. The short culvert restricts our movement and speed to a degree and these joints have some loose debris that needs to be swept away before installation. Beyond that, it is more of the same, drilling, inserting anchors, expanding the bands, and trimming the anchors. We are projected to complete the entire project, 189 HydraTite seals, early April.

Beyond the job, Cody, Cameron, Ben, and I have been sharing an Airbnb. We frequently play Call Of Duty at the end of the day, which has been fun. Mardi Gras is really big down here and we got blocked in by the parade on our way back from work. It was nice to see them go by though.

Working Under An Active Airport