Discussing Cretex’s Various Products They Offer, Including HydraTite

On Monday, May 23rd Cretex hosted all their representatives from around the country and some vendors at their headquarters in Pewaukee, Wi. The first day was a travel day so the time was set in the evening to meet and greet the new and old reps, discussing how the markets have changed and evolved with Covid-19, current supply change issues, infrastructure outlooks, and demand for repairs within our markets.

We spent the next morning going over all the products Cretex offers and their unique selling points including the HydraTite seal. HydraTite has been represented by Cretex in the storm and sewer market for over 10 years and compliments the Cretex family of manhole products including their chimney seal by also assisting in sealing the pipes that are attached to the manhole. After a full day of classroom training, Cretex arranged to have us tour the Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee. The museum gave an excellent perspective of the challenges that the motorcycle company has had with the ever changes in markets from its early beginnings to world war II to almost going out of business in the 80s to its current popularity.

On the last day, May 25th we wrapped up the meeting with hands-on product demonstrations. I of course demonstrated and trained the new reps on the installation of the HydraTite seal. The new reps quickly learned HydraTite‘s capability as a simple yet effective product to prevent infiltration at an economical price. All in All The Cretex team is full of highly skilled dynamic sales reps that I feel confident specifying and selling our HydraTite seal.