Getting Together for the End of 2020, Another Successful Year

HydraTech’s employees got together for a socially distanced dinner and holiday-themed games. HydraTech’s crew keeps working throughout the entirety of this year’s crisis. We were lucky enough to be essential and grateful for our hard-working crew that kept business going.

The Christmas party was a much-needed break and all the different entrée options were as good as ever. Several games were repeats of last year, a word search and scrabble, but while these were fun, the game that got everyone yelling and laughing was “A Very Merry Box Full of Lies”. Caleb Rutledge came up with this game, in which a gift was passed around, each person trying to unwrap it in a limited amount of time. Layer ripped way after layer until eventually, Rob White got the gift card that was deep inside.
Catch up with the blog about the 2021 Christmas Party>
The Chicken Pasta was a melody of flavors. I will remember to get that again next year!