Last week HydraTech attended the 2025 WWETT trade show in Indianapolis Indiana. I was accompanied by my two coworkers Caleb Rutledge and Jennifer Williams. This year’s trade show was a little different, instead of being an exhibitor with a booth, HydraTech decided to attend the show. That way we could walk around and network, instead of being stuck in a single spot. This brought quite a few challenges. For starters, we did not have the visual aid we normally have, the demo of the HydraTite seal. Making it a little harder for potential customers to visualize what the seal does. Engaging with booths generally was not beneficial. The company represented by a booth may benefit from our seals, but the employees at the booth are in sales. This means they may not know if their company could use our seals or who to put us in contact with. Since employees at the booths were not the most appropriate point of contact for each company, we had to find people related to our products and services in a large crowd.

Overall, the trade show was a success. We managed to find city personnel from around the country and made new international contacts who were interested in the benefits of our HydraTite seal. It was also nice to finally match faces to names we had previously only interacted with through email. The show also had an after-party hosted in the Lucas Oil Stadium (the Indianapolis Colts Stadium). There was good food for dinner and some fun games on the football field which included, Cornhole, kicking a field goal, throwing passes, or catching passes along with some others.